Also known as massive Fail, but here's what's coming and whats out:
For this week's La Venta Eventa - it's in the shop now, second floor, but won't be available for sale until Friday. |
Released last week, 5 pieces and accessories. |
Bit of Whimsical fun. Balloons can be roved to use like a traditional porch swing. |
We have some amazing texture artists in SL, The Texture basis for this inspired the artwork. |
Weekend Salvage Group gift for November - then it goes on sale, so if you want it for free, join the group to get it! |
November Dollarbies - Two colors, Two versions. Animated sits. |
Two chairs and a small occasional table, animated sits. |
New Flower Fields - Mainstore only |
This was great fun to build and if you are decorating your home in a vintage style a must have. |
Three sofa styles, sits for two. |